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A New Year
A New Year means a new beginning for most.  Did you know that most new year's resolutions go unkept, which has led to most people not even bothering making them?  Although new year's resolutions may go unkept, I believe personally that setting goals for yourself will help you stay focused throughout the year.  The Bible says think on the pure things in life (Philippians 4:8).  Perhaps the best way to start the year is to make sure your mind is in the right place.  May I suggest having a Christ-centered mind?  When you focus on Him, He puts everything else in prospective.  When you are focused on pleasing Him, then everything else seems to just fall in place.  Now that doesn't mean that everything will be as you would like, but that does mean that when you live out your life focused upon Him, you can live your life with no regrets!!  My advice (for the 2 cents that it is worth) is give all you have for Him this year, and your goals will be accomplished one day at a time!!