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“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Have you ever been camping with Jesus?  If you have, you would know that the most important thing that you need to walk through the woods at night is a lamp.  What if you decided that you would navigate through the woods without some type of light or a lamp?  We would find ourselves probably running into trees, tripping over logs, worrying about stepping on a snake, or perhaps falling into a creek.   But that is exactly what we do when we attempt to walk through life without the Word of God as our guide.  Sometimes instead of people going to the Word of God to light their path, they go to other resources, such as people, tradition, opinion polls, or worse yet, the father of all lies. Let us as God’s people allow the Word of God to be a lamp to our feet and a light for our paths as we seek to do His will in our life.  This summer when you are wondering how to navigate through the woods of life, go to the Word of God.