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“Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13:1
The author of Hebrews has an interesting comment here.  He says, “Let brotherly love continue.”  It seems that he is implying the possibility that brotherly love could stop.   Could this be so within the body of Christ?  I think the answer to that question is YES.  When we fail to realize that we are all brothers and sisters in the family of God and begin to think we are enemies rather than family, then brotherly love could stop.  Let me encourage you by saying as I walk between the walls of the buildings where we worship, I see brotherly love.  I see people hugging each other with kind affection and encouraging one another by their kind words.  Keep it up!!  Let brotherly love continue, and we will see a difference not only in our attitudes, but in the attitude of others. Remember, God is watching and listening to every action and word.